Oxford Business English Dictionary
Longman Business English Dictionary
Cambridge Business English Dictionary
-На среднем этапе обучения, толковые словари ( их всего три) для иностранцев, изучающих бизнес-английский, предоставляют тщательно отобранные примеры употребления словарных единиц в типичных бизнес-контекстах- в устной речи и в письменных текстах и рапортах. Особое внимание следует уделять правильному употреблению фразовых глаголов, коллокаций и заставших словосочетаний
Из словаря OBEP (Eng-Eng)
manage // verb
1 [+ obj or no obj]
to control or be in charge of a business, an organization, a team of people, a project, etc. :
I have been managing 3 companies in the UK with around 200 employees.
How many people do you manage?
The firm manages $3 billion in investments.
We need people who are good at managing.
She manages IBM's e-business consulting division
He manages artists from around the world
The bond is managed by Merrill Lynch
2 [+ obj]
to use time, money, etc. in a sensible way:
She gave a presentation on managing time more effectively.
a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently
The service helps people to manage their finances.
This command helps manage my laptop's battery power
Companies that cannot manage their debt face bankruptcy.
Из словаря Longman BED 2nd Ed.
manage man‧age [ˈmænɪdʒ] verb BrE AmE
1. [intransitive, transitive] COMMERCE to direct or control a business, part of a business, or the people who work in it:
• He will be managing a staff of about 1,500.
• The unions had undermined the employers' ability to manage.
2. [transitive] FINANCE if a financial institution manages someone's money, it decides when and where to invest it:
• investors who use trading advisers to manage their money in futures markets
• professionally managed pension funds
Из словаря Cambridge Business English Dictionary (En-En)
manage UK US /ˈmænɪdʒ/ verb
► [I or T] MANAGEMENT, HR, WORKPLACE to be in charge of and control a company, department, project, team, etc. : »Managing a large corporation has become more complex and challenging. »What kind of skills and qualities do people need to manage? »Early biotech companies typically were founded, staffed and managed by scientists. »He's not very good at managing people.
► [I or T] to be able to use something, for example time or money, in an effective way: »Young people often need help in managing their finances. »Can you give me some advice on how to manage my time better?
► [T] FINANCE, STOCK MARKET to be responsible for investing money for investors: »She works for a Boston-based private-equity firm that manages about $2 billion in energy industry investments. »All our funds are managed by expert investment advisors.
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