суббота, 31 августа 2013 г.

Толковые словари английского для иностранцев для среднего уровня-Oxford Basic American dictionary for learners of English, The Macmillan Essential Dictionary

Толковых словарей английского для иностранцев для среднего уровня есть несколько. Отличный Oxford Basic American dictionary for learners of English, например, который подойдет даже для уровня elementary. В электронной версии даже озвучены целые предложения, что очень важно для уровня pre-intermediate, чтобы повторять за диктором интонацию. Примеры отобраны с самыми частотными словами, представлены самые типичные словосочетания, фразовые глаголы, идиомы, застывшие выражения. 

Из словаря Oxford Basic American Dictionary
suc•ceed☧ / səkˈsid/ verb (suc•ceeds, suc•ceed•ing, suc•ceed•ed)
to do or get what you wanted to do or get
◆  She finally succeeded in getting a job.
◆  I tried to get a ticket for the concert but I didn’t succeed.

➲ ANTONYM fail

А Macmillan вышел на рынок последним, выпустил целую линейку словарей
Вот, например, статья SUCCEED
Из словаря MacmillanEssential (En-En)
1) [I] to achieve something that you planned to do or attempted to do
Everyone wants the peace process to succeed.
We finally succeeded in getting some extra funding.
2) [I] to do well in school, in your career, or in some other activity
These days there is a lot of pressure on children to succeed.
3) [T] to replace someone who was in a powerful job or position
In 1603, Elizabeth was succeeded by James I.

Word family: succeed
Words in the same family as succeed
● success
● unsuccessful
● successful
● unsuccessfully
● successfully

An essential reference for the classroom and home, The Macmillan Essential Dictionary offers invaluable support for those wishing to write and speak English accurately. It builds on the success of the Macmillan English Dictionary, adapting its unique features to the different needs of intermediate learners. 

The core vocabulary that intermediate learners need most for writing and speaking English is highlighted in red, explained in detail and graded for frequency of use. Clear, simple definitions, menus for easy navigation, help boxes and a Language Study section combine to make this dictionary vital for language learning.


пятница, 30 августа 2013 г.

Вышел Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus

Вышел Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus . Пионером в этом жанре был Oxford English Collocations, но затмил его по объему Longman 5th c 65000 collocations в составе толкового учебного активного словаря. Сейчас Longman выпустил отдельный словарь. Напомню, типичные коллокации- то есть, слово с его типичными соседями ( найденных в базах текстов с сотнями миллионов слов в устной и письменной речи ) , позволяют на среднем и продвинутом уровне, используя эти примеры, расширять свой активный словарный запас максимально естественными словосочетаниями и предложениями, формируя на базе коллокаций, свои примеры. 
Например, посмотрим на статью SUCCEED

Из словаря Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus
/səkˈsiːd/ verb
to do what you wanted to do
finally/eventually/ultimately succeed I finally succeeded in making contact with him in Rome.
almost succeed They planned to destroy the Takeda family, and they almost succeeded.
sb/sth has largely succeeded (=mostly succeeded) The police largely succeeded in preventing any more violence.
partially/partly succeed The book only partially succeeds in explaining what happened.
a plan succeeds The plan succeeded and they were able to get the money.
talks/negotiations succeed Unless the talks succeed, there is a serious risk of war.
an experiment succeeds They kept trying until finally the experiment succeeded.
succeed in (doing) sth The climbers succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.
Don’t say that someone succeeds to do sth.
succeed in your aim/goal/objective/ambition They have succeeded in their goal of reducing the amount of waste.
succeed in your attempt to do sth He succeeded in his attempt to become the city’s first black mayor.
succeed in business/life/your career The course helps you to develop the skills needed to succeed in business.
succeed at school/university/work Do you think that physically attractive people are more likely to succeed at work?
be determined to succeed It doesn’t bother me. It just makes me more determined to succeed.
succeed against the odds (=succeed, even though it seems likely that you will fail) Some students from poor families succeed against the odds, but they are in a minority.
succeed beyond all (sb’s) expectations (=be much more successful than you expected) Joanna’s plan succeeded beyond all expectations.
succeed beyond your wildest dreams (=be extremely successful) If he wanted to cause trouble, he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.
THESAURUS: succeed
to succeed in doing something, especially something that needs effort. Manage is often used in everyday English instead of succeed:
He finally managed to find an apartment near his office. | Eventually I managed to get the lid back on the box. | Don’t worry – I’m sure we can manage somehow.
test | exam | examination | interview
to be successful in a test or interview:
She is hoping to pass her driving test on her third attempt. | He passed his exams with flying colours (=he got a very good grade in them). | Diana passed her interview and began teaching at the Vacani dance studio.
plan | idea | drug | treatment | method | system
if something works, it succeeds or is effective:
Branson is sure that his plan will work. | Nothing is more exciting than seeing your ideas work in the marketplace. | The researchers had no idea if the drug would work. | The study concluded that the treatment works in over 60% of cases. | Lindner believes that he has found a method that works. | We find that this system works well and it avoids many of the usual problems. | Try using hot water – that sometimes works.
If someone is successful in their career, or succeeds in doing something difficult, you can say that they make it: When I saw my name above the door, I knew I had made it. They made it to the top of the mountain.
If someone achieves something after a lot of effort, you can say that they get there: Don’t worry, you’ll get there in the end.
Description: The Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus is a unique blend of two dictionaries, helping learners of English to choose the correct word and collocation every time. Based on corpus research, this dictionary ensures that you find the correct combination of words to use in every context – the words that a native speaker of English would choose. It also includes the brand-new Academic Collocations List - the most frequent 2500 collocations used in academic English.

* 75,000 collocations show the words that occur together in natural English, ideal for Intermediate and Advanced level students (B2-C2)
* 80,000 corpus-based examples show how word combinations are used in typical contexts
* 7,000 synonyms and antonyms are shown with their typical collocations
* Notes on formality and grammar ensure that you produce natural and accurate English every time 
* Warning notes to highlight wrong collocations that are frequently used by learners of English 
* Covers British and American English 
* Integrated thesaurus demonstrating how closely related synonyms are differentiated through collocation 
* Error notes for commonly misused collocations 
* Inclusion of the NEW Academic Collocations List - the most frequent 2500 collocations from academic texts.

четверг, 29 августа 2013 г.

Метод Гивенталь: Активируем грамматические и лексические речевые модели английского

У знаменитого и эффективного метода Гивенталь ( я разделяю ее подходы- формулируем речевую ситуацию по-русски и запоминаем ее соответствие в виде грамматической или словарной формулы-модели по-английски ) появился наконец учебник для совсем начинающих. Советую всем!

 Ну а книга стоит того, чтобы ее купить. Для среднего уровня советую "Как это сказать по-английски" ( грамматические модели всех времен ) и "Как удивиться и возмутиться по-английски ( грамматические и лексические модели с модальными глаголами )

"Книга представляет собой учебно-методическое пособие для взрослых, которые хотят помочь своим детям и себе заговорить, наконец, по-английски!
Курс разработан в соответствии с принципами авторской образовательной технологии КЭСПА. Создатель методики Инна Гивенталь предлагает расширять свои знания, отталкиваясь не от незнакомого чужого (английского), а от привычного родного (русского).

Книга предназначена для совместной работы детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста и их родителей, бабушек и дедушек. Незаменимым подспорьем в процессе освоения уроков станет аудиокурс, в котором авторы не только произносят новые слова и выражения, обучают особой речевой гимнастике, но и рассказывают о себе удивительные истории. Когда вы со своими детьми пройдете все 114 занимательных уроков, то ни вас, ни детей больше не будет мучить вопрос: "Как это сказать по-английски?"

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