понедельник, 27 декабря 2021 г.

Around the World in 80 Days is a 2021 period drama adventure television series

 Around the World in 80 Days is a period drama adventure television series based on the 1873 Jules Verne novel of the same name. It is produced by the European Alliance, a co-production alliance of France TélévisionsRai and the ZDF. The series premiered on BBC One in the United Kingdom on 26 December 2021. In November 2021, ahead of the premiere, it was announced the series had been renewed for a second season.

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They said it couldn't be done. David Tennant stars as the unlikely globetrotter Phileas Fogg on the greatest journey of them all. Let the adventure begin!


понедельник, 29 ноября 2021 г.

The Socrates Express: In Search of Life Lessons from Dead Philosophers by Eric Weiner

 Если Вы готовы прочитать одну книгу в этом году на английском с опорой на учебные словари, прочитайте эту ! Все остальные могут почитать на русском )

Книга месяца в магазине Москва- "Философский экспресс. Уроки жизни от великих мыслителей" Вейнер Э.:

«Философский экспресс» — это остроумное путешествие по урокам мудрости великих мыслителей прошлого. Эрик Вейнер, журналист и автор этой книги, уверен, что людям нужны вовсе не информация и знания, а именно мудрость, которой порой так не хватает в решении самых разных жизненных задач. Если вы интересуетесь «Зачем в современном мире Аристотель, когда на всё есть алгоритмы?» — эта книга определенно для вас. Вы научитесь просыпаться как Марк Аврелий, гулять как Руссо и смотреть на современный бушующий мир с точки зрения величайших мыслителей древности. «Философский экспресс» — не очередной, сделанный как под копирку, гид по саморазвитию, а большой и важный урок мудрости, от того, кто по-настоящему попытался постичь Вселенную.


The New York Times bestselling author of The Geography of Bliss embarks on a rollicking intellectual journey, following in the footsteps of history’s greatest thinkers and showing us how each—from Epicurus to Gandhi, Thoreau to Beauvoir—offers practical and spiritual lessons for today’s unsettled times.

We turn to philosophy for the same reasons we travel: to see the world from a dif­ferent perspective, to unearth hidden beauty, and to find new ways of being. We want to learn how to embrace wonder. Face regrets. Sustain hope.

Eric Weiner combines his twin passions for philosophy and global travel in a pil­grimage that uncovers surprising life lessons from great thinkers around the world, from Rousseau to Nietzsche, Confucius to Simone Weil. Traveling by train (the most thoughtful mode of transport), he journeys thousands of miles, making stops in Athens, Delhi, Wyoming, Coney Island, Frankfurt, and points in between to recon­nect with philosophy’s original purpose: teaching us how to lead wiser, more meaningful lives. From Socrates and ancient Athens to Simone de Beauvoir and twentieth-century Paris, Weiner’s chosen philosophers and places provide important signposts as we navigate today’s chaotic times.

In The Socrates Express, Weiner invites us to voyage alongside him on his life-changing pursuit of wisdom and discovery as he attempts to find answers to our most vital questions


суббота, 9 октября 2021 г.

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среда, 29 сентября 2021 г.

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воскресенье, 26 сентября 2021 г.

вторник, 13 июля 2021 г.

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воскресенье, 27 июня 2021 г.

The Chosen is a 2019 TV Series drama based on the life of Jesus Christ

 The Chosen is a television drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, created, directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins. It is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ, and season one was the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time.[1][2] The series' creators stated that they had hoped to distinguish the new series from previous portrayals of Jesus by crafting a multi-season, episode-based story.[3] The series portrays Jesus "through the eyes of those who met him".[4]

The series' success is attributed to artistic storytelling and cultural relevance, while staying true to the message of the gospels.[5] Writing in Film Threat, Alan Ng called the series "smart and insightful to a contemporary audience."[26]

Episode 8 from Season 1 earned two Movieguide Award nominations in 2020.[27]

The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 100 percent of critics have given Season 1 a positive review based on 8 reviews, with an average rating of 8.08/10.[28] Through August 2020, it had been viewed nearly 50 million times in 180 countries.[29] By the end of March 2021, the first season had been viewed more than 100 million times.[30]

"The Chosen" is the largest crowdfunded media project of all time.

The Best On-Screen Depiction of the Life Christ; Deeply Moving and Relatable

Christian movies and shows aren't typically known for quality, good character development, or well-written, compelling stories. There are certainly some exceptions (e.g., The Passion of the Christ, I Can Only Imagine, Ben-Hur, I'm Not Ashamed, Faith Like Potatoes, The Case for Christ, and Narnia).

To cut straight to the point: The Chosen is far and away the best on-screen depiction of the life of Christ-either mini-series or movie. The writing and character development are exceptional. It's as captivating as The Passion, yet in so many ways more human and relatable. My family and I keep re-watching them just to get one more glimpse of the Son of Man. The miracles are deeply moving and will bring you to tears.

воскресенье, 16 мая 2021 г.

Domina is a 2021 historical drama limited television series

Domina is a historical drama limited television series  Starring Kasia Smutniak as Livia, it examines the power struggles of Ancient Rome from a female perspective.The life and rise of Livia Drusilla, the powerful wife of the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar

Suzi Feay in The Financial Times dubbed the series “Game of Romans”.[6] Historian Tom Holland in The Times agreed that “The echoes of Game of Thrones in the first two episodes are strong, and surely deliberate...the rest of the series approximates more closely to a political thriller”. Holland praised the show “the meat of the show is so enjoyably done that the odd anachronism hardly matters. The 20s BC, sandwiched between the suicides of Antony and Cleopatra and the maturity of Augustus, have never before been the subject of popular drama, but Domina demonstrates to brilliant effect how unjustly neglected they have been... Part of the fun of the series is seeing characters who became significant players in the later decades of Augustus’s life as teenagers”.

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