суббота, 2 декабря 2023 г.

Peppa Pig - English Series 1 (Episodes 1 - 10 with subtitles) - part 1 -rus-eng parallel text.mp3

Peppa Pig - British preschool animated television series - Series 1-4 - All Episodes (with english subtitles)
BBC 22/01/2019-
Year of the Pig? Peppa takes China by storm
Peppa Pig- гениальный британский мультсериал для дошкольников и их родителей, по популярности примерно равен нашему сериалу "Маша и Медведь", по педагогической пользе Свинка Пеппа , может, полезнее будет ( в Британии детям дают гораздо больше свободы для саморазвития ) , да и британский юмор тоньше и очень много построено на репликах героев, поэтому очень полезно смотреть его всей семьей с английскими субтитрами с уровнем вашего английского выше среднего, впрочем, можно ставить просмотр на паузу и переводить субтитры с помощью электронного словаря. Кроме этого, можно ставить в настройках окна Youtube скорость 0.5 или даже 0.25 для трудных фраз, герои будут говорить в два раза или в 4 медленнее, чтобы вы успевали за ними повторять и разбирать субтитры
Официальный канал Peppa Pig English- на английском,
часто проходят прямые трансляции старых и новых серий
Peppa Pig - Series 1 All Episodes (with english subtitles)

 декабря 2023 года возобновляем Dream Media English Club - Семейный Английский в видеозуме ( по скайпу ) - Смотрим и Обсуждаем фрагменты из ваших любимых сериалов и фильмов- на английском с английскими субтитрами ) -
c Владом Воробьевым, тренером по интервью на русском и английском - от 2400р в месяц ( пробный семейный абонемент на месяц) - до 12 ак. часов ( 4 видеозума в месяц до 3 ак.часов ) - Активируем ( придумываем примеры про нашу жизнь на основе субтитров из фильмов и учебных английских словарей для начинающих и продолжающих , учимся употреблять в устной речи 500 речевых английских моделей за месяц! )


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 at Interculturalruen.mave.digital

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Serendipity Channel -
Вдохновляющие интервью и цитаты & неоклассическая музыка 
Познай самого себя ! - Zeno.fm/radio/serendipity -
Motivational interviews and quotes & neoclassical music 24/7 - Know Thyself !

среда, 29 ноября 2023 г.

From Anam Cara - A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohue- part 1 -rus-eng parallel text.mp3


From Anam Cara - A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O’Donohue- 

part 1 -rus-eng parallel text.mp3





Anam Ċara. Кельтская мудрость. Из книги Джона О’Донохью

Душа ирландского поэта, писателя, философа, священника улетела туда, откуда прилетела, в 2008 году. А его книги остались, вечный отпечаток его небесной души


Anam Ċara. Кельтская мудрость. Из книги Джона О’Донохью, изображение №1


John O'Donohue - On soul- The Inner landscape of beauty- rus-eng parallel text.mp3 - Самый мой популярный русско-английский подкаст у подписчиков https://interculturalruen.mave.digital/ep-126


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 at Interculturalruen.mave.digital

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Serendipity Channel -
Вдохновляющие интервью и цитаты & неоклассическая музыка -
Познай самого себя ! - Zeno.fm/radio/serendipity -
Motivational interviews and quotes & neoclassical music 24/7 - Know Thyself !

вторник, 3 октября 2023 г.

From the Iliad by Homer - Book 1 1-140- rus-eng parallel text -Salnikov-Wilson.mp3 podcast



From the Iliad by Homer - Book 1 1-140- rus-eng parallel text -Salnikov-Wilson.mp3


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 at Interculturalruen.mave.digital

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Илиада. Перевод А. А. Сальникова
Новый перевод «Илиады» Гомера на современный русский язык, выполненный А. А. Сальниковым в 2011 году, уже получил признание среди читателей. 


The greatest literary landmark of antiquity masterfully rendered by the most celebrated translator of our time.

When Emily Wilson’s translation of The Odyssey appeared in 2017―revealing the ancient poem in a contemporary idiom that was “fresh, unpretentious and lean” (Madeline Miller, Washington Post)―critics lauded it as “a revelation” (Susan Chira, New York Times) and “a cultural landmark” (Charlotte Higgins, Guardian) that would forever change how Homer is read in English. Now Wilson has returned with an equally revelatory translation of Homer’s other great epic―the most revered war poem of all time.

The Iliad roars with the clamor of arms, the bellowing boasts of victors, the fury and grief of loss, and the anguished cries of dying men. It sings, too, of the sublime magnitude of the world―the fierce beauty of nature and the gods’ grand schemes beyond the ken of mortals. In Wilson’s hands, this thrilling, magical, and often horrifying tale now gallops at a pace befitting its legendary battle scenes, in crisp but resonant language that evokes the poem’s deep pathos and reveals palpably real, even “complicated,” characters―both human and divine.

The culmination of a decade of intense engagement with antiquity’s most surpassingly beautiful and emotionally complex poetry, Wilson’s Iliad now gives us a complete Homer for our generation.

вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г.

From The Urantia book -The Life and Teachings of Jesus- Final Appearances -The Religion of Jesus - rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast


From The Urantia book  -The Life and Teachings of Jesus 193.0.3-5-196.2-3 Final Appearances -The Religion of Jesus - rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast.mp3




Я прожил свою жизнь во плоти для того, чтобы показать как вы, через исполненное любви служение, можете раскрывать Бога своим собратьям — так же, как я раскрывал Бога в любви и служении вам. Я жил среди вас как Сын Человеческий для того, чтобы вы и все другие люди могли знать, что все вы — воистину сыны Бога. Идите же теперь по всему миру, проповедуя это евангелие царства небесного всем людям. Любите всех людей, как я любил вас; служите своим собратьям, как я служил вам. Даром получили, даром отдавайте.
 I lived my life in the flesh to show how you can, through loving service, become God-revealing to your fellow men even as, by loving you and serving you, I have become God-revealing to you. I have lived among you as the Son of Man that you, and all other men, might know that you are all indeed the sons of God. Therefore, go you now into all the world preaching this gospel of the kingdom of heaven to all men. Love all men as I have loved you; serve your fellow mortals as I have served you. Freely you have received, freely give. 


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 at Interculturalruen.mave.digital

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пятница, 1 сентября 2023 г.

Selected books in Russian - Google translated into English in 2023

Google Translated from Russian - Google Folder - download epub ebooks

 Updated 02/09/2023- 

MY POOR, POOR MASTER -versions - Mikhail Bulgakov.epub


Complete collection of editions and versions of the novel

"The Master and Margarita"

Collected works - Nadezhda Mandelstam.epub

Sobraniie sochinienii - Nadiezhda Mandiel'shtam.epub

The encounter with irrational force, irrational inevitability, irrational horror has dramatically changed our psyche. Many of us believed in the inevitability, while others in the expediency of what was happening. Everyone was seized by the consciousness that there is no return. This feeling was due to the experience of the past, the premonition of the future and the hypnosis of the present. I affirm that all of us, the city more than the village, were in a state close to hypnotic sleep. We were really inspired that we have entered a new era and we can only submit to historical necessity, which, by the way, coincides with the dreams of the best people and fighters for human happiness. The preaching of historical determinism has deprived us of will and free judgment. To those who still doubted, we laughed in the eyes and ourselves completed the work of the newspapers, repeating sacramental formulas and rumors of yet another massacre—this is how passive resistance ends! - and picking up excuses for the existing. The main argument was the exposure of the whole history in time and space: everywhere is the same, it has always been like this, nothing else but violence and arbitrariness, mankind has not known and does not know. “Everywhere they shoot,” L., a young physicist, told me. - Do we have more? Well, this is progress ... "Understand, Nadya," L. E. assured me, "it's bad there too" ... Many still do not understand the qualitative difference between "bad" and our "seventh horizon." mankind did not know and does not know. “Everywhere they shoot,” L., a young physicist, told me. - Do we have more? Well, this is progress ... "Understand, Nadya," L. E. assured me, "it's bad there too" ... Many still do not understand the qualitative difference between "bad" and our "seventh horizon." mankind did not know and does not know. “Everywhere they shoot,” L., a young physicist, told me. - Do we have more? Well, this is progress ... "Understand, Nadya," L. E. assured me, "it's bad there too" ... Many still do not understand the qualitative difference between "bad" and our "seventh horizon."


The other day. Our era-1921, 31-40, 46-68 - Leonid Parfenov.epub

Леонид Парфенов.Намедни. Наша эра-1921, 31-40, 46-68.epub

The other day. Our era. Texts 1969-1991 - Leonid Parfenov.epub

Леонид Парфенов. Намедни. Наша эра. Тексты 1969-1991.epub

The other day. Our era. 1992-2010 - Leonid Parfenov.epub

Леонид Парфенов. Намедни. Наша эра. 1992-2010.epub


The Moscow agreements of August-September 1939 will turn out to be one of the most "inconvenient" documents in Russian history. Ribbentrop will be the first to publicly speak about territorial divisions with Stalin at the Nuremberg Trials - this episode will not be printed in the Soviet edition of the multi-volume transcript. The publication of the texts of secret protocols in the West will be called fakes in the USSR and their very existence will be recognized only together with their condemnation half a century after signingThe Soviet interpretation of open documents will be repeated by the official Russian one: the war was postponed for two years, the border was pushed back. The West negotiated with Hitler in Munich, but why shouldn't we? Critics of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact argue that in 1939 Hitler could not attack, the common border only made aggression easier for him, and as a result, in 1941 he hit the conquered half of Europe with military-industrial power. Chamberlain, giving pieces of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis, did not take a share for himself, and the USSR was supposed to enter the anti-Hitler coalition with the start of World War II. These arguments for and against are an indispensable part of the Russian dispute about the rightness and fault of the Soviet empire.


Russian Idea 1-4 - From Nicholas I to Putin - by Alexander Yanov - 2016


Russian nationalism, always for some reason avoided being called by his own name. He preferred euphemisms (“Russian business”, “Russian world”, “Russian idea”, sometimes even called himself “patriotism”)...It goes without saying that the “Russian Idea” here does not mean any of its metaphysical properties that worried, say, N. A. Berdyaev, but only its political meaning, as it was understood - and is understood - by its own ideologists and critics . This is how V. O. Klyuchevsky described the origin of this idea in Muscovy of the 17th century: “She [Muscovy] considered herself the only true believer in the world, her understanding of the deity was exceptionally correct, she imagined the creator of the universe as a Russian god, no longer owned and unknown to anyone.” A religious assessment of this Russian idea, conceived in Muscovy, was proposed by V. S. Solovyov: he called it "pagan mansion." A. I. Herzen described its secular version as "Russia's attempt to cut itself off from Europe."


New! 06/02/2023- Google-translated from the Russian into the English- all 3 volumes of  “History of Russia. XX Century” - The History of Russia. XX century - Andrey Zubov-Google translated.epub

Complete Works by Anton Chekhov with comments in 30 volumes - 

Google translated into English in 2023

The activities of the masters of Russian art, whose work is most fully represented in domestic museums, are covered in more detail. The texts were written by employees of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin - 2007

1910, 29 Iюля. Начинаю новый дневникъ, настоящій дневникъ для одного себя…

31 Октября. Продиктовано А. Л. Толстой. Богъ есть то неограниченное Все, чего человѣкъ сознаетъ себя ограниченной частью.[386] Истинно существуетъ только Богъ. Человѣкъ есть проявленіе Его въ веществѣ, времени и пространствѣ. Чѣмъ больше проявленіе Бога въ человѣкѣ (жизнь) соединяется въ проявленіяхъ (жизнями) другихъ существъ, тѣмъ больше онъ существуетъ. Соединеиіе этой своей жизни съ жизнями другихъ существъ совершается любовью. Богъ не есть любовь, но чѣмъ больше любви, тѣмъ больше человѣкъ проявляетъ Бога, тѣмъ больше истинно существуетъ.

 Астапово, 31 окт. 1 ч. 30 дня. 

Богъ, если мы хотимъ этимъ понятіемъ уяснить явленія жизни, то въ такомъ пониманіи Бога и жизни не можетъ быть143 144ничего основательнаго и твердаго. Это одни праздныя, ни къ чему не приводящія разсужденія. Бога мы познаемъ только черезъ сознаніе Его проявленія въ насъ. Всѣ выводы изъ этого сознанія и руководство жизни, основанное на немъ, всегда вполнѣ удовлетворяетъ человѣка и въ познаніи самого Бога и въ руководствѣ своей жизни, основанной на этомъ сознанiи.

1910, July 29. I am starting a new diary, a real diary for myself alone.

October 31. Dictated by A. L. Tolstoy . God is that unlimited All of which man recognizes himself as a limited part. [386] Only God truly exists. Man is His manifestation in matter, time and space. The more the manifestation of God in man (life) is combined in the manifestations (lives) of other beings, the more he exists. The union of this one's life with the lives of other beings is accomplished by love. God is not love, but the more love, the more a person manifests God, the more truly there is. Astapovo , 31 Oct. 1 hour 30 days. God, if we want to understand the phenomena of life with this concept, then in such an understanding of God and life cannot be143 144nothing solid or solid. These are just idle, leading to nothing arguments. We know God only through the consciousness of His manifestation in us. All conclusions from this consciousness and the guidance of life based on it always fully satisfies a person both in the knowledge of God himself and in the guidance of his life based on this consciousness.

понедельник, 21 августа 2023 г.

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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Online 2023-08-17
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they succeed
he / she / it succeeds
past simple succeeded
past participle succeeded
-ing form succeeding
[intransitive]to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get; to have the result or effect that was intended
Our plan succeeded.
Whether we succeed or fail depends on ingenuity and luck.
succeed in doing somethingHe succeeded in getting a place at art school.
I tried to discuss it with her but only succeeded in making her angry (= I failed and did the opposite of what I intended).
opposite(1)see alsosuccess
Extra Examples
No company can hope to succeed at everything.
The appeal is unlikely to succeed.
They very nearly succeeded in blowing up the building.
This option has rarely succeeded in recent years.
We feel that we have largely succeeded in our aims.
The book succeeds beautifully in presenting the problem before us.
We succeeded in repairing the engine.
hints on how to succeed with interior design
to succeed against serious opposition
Topics Successa2
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
verb + succeed
be likely to
be unlikely to
be determined to
[intransitive]to be successful in your job, earning money, power, respect, etc.
You will have to work hard if you are to succeed.
succeed in somethingShe doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business.
succeed as somethingHe had hoped to succeed as a violinist.
see alsosuccess
Extra Examples
She has succeeded in a difficult career.
You're much more likely to succeed in a business with a partner than without one.
The engineering career structure worked against women succeeding.
We are looking for individuals with a determination to succeed.
She can teach you how to succeed at tennis.
They are being given the confidence and motivation to succeed academically.
Topics Successa2
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
verb + succeed
be likely to
be unlikely to
be determined to
[transitive]succeed somebody/somethingto come next after somebody/something and take their/its place or positionsynonymfollow
Who succeeded Kennedy as President?
Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure.
Strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations.
see alsosuccession
Extra Examples
He was appointed to succeed Sir Georg Solti as head of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
He was expected to succeed Jack Smith as CEO when he retired.
He was widely tipped to succeed Mrs May as leader of the party.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + succeed
appoint somebody to
elect somebody to
be tipped to
[intransitive]succeed (to something)to gain the right to a title, property, etc. when somebody dies
She succeeded to the throne (= became queen) in 1558.
He had no right to succeed to the tenancy when his father died.
see alsosuccession
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + succeed
appoint somebody to
elect somebody to
be tipped to
Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French succeder or Latin succedere ‘come close after’, from sub- ‘close to’ + cedere ‘go’.
nothing succeeds like success
(saying)when you are successful in one area of your life, it often leads to success in other areasTopics Successc2
Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Online Version
BrE BrE//səkˈsiːd// ; NAmE NAmE//səkˈsiːd// 
Verb Forms present simple I / you / we / they succeed
BrE BrE//səkˈsiːd// ; NAmE NAmE//səkˈsiːd// 
he / she / it succeeds
BrE BrE//səkˈsiːdz// ; NAmE NAmE//səkˈsiːdz// 
past simple succeeded
BrE BrE//səkˈsiːdɪd// ; NAmE NAmE//səkˈsiːdɪd// 
past participle succeeded
BrE BrE//səkˈsiːdɪd// ; NAmE NAmE//səkˈsiːdɪd// 
-ing form succeeding
BrE BrE//səkˈsiːdɪŋ// ; NAmE NAmE//səkˈsiːdɪŋ// 

1[intransitive] to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get; to have the result or effect that was intended Most African governments viewed the operation as dangerous and unlikely to succeed. succeed in doing something After lengthy experiments, Joseph Aspdin eventually succeeded in making the first artificial cement, which he patented in 1824. When somebody/something only succeeds in doing something, the opposite of what was intended is achieved:The publicity generated by their managers was meant to connect the two celebrities, but it only succeeded in driving them apart. see also success
2[transitive] succeed somebody/something to come next after somebody/something and take their/its place or position synonym follow These traditions continued through the later Roman Empire and the societies that succeeded it. succeed somebody/something as something Theseus succeeded his father as ruler of Athens. succeeding + noun The village was founded in 1845 by Swiss immigrants, and succeeding generations have retained their Swiss-German traditions. see also succession
3[intransitive] succeed (to something) to gain the right to a title, property, etc. when somebody dies After Herod's death in 4 BCE, his sons succeeded to his subdivided kingdom. see also succession
Oxford Collocations
succeed verb

 manage to achieve what you want; do well

• ADVERB admirably, beautifully (esp. AmE), brilliantly, marvellously/marvelously (esp. AmE), well, wildly (esp. AmE), wonderfully The book ~s beautifully in presenting the problem before us. | The plan ~ed pretty well. | not quite | nearly They very nearly ~ed in blowing up the building. | completely, fully, truly | largely, mostly We feel that we have largely ~ed in our aims. | partially, partly | rarely This option has rarely ~ed in recent years. | eventually, finally, ultimately | apparently | academically the pressure on children to ~ academically

• VERB + SUCCEED be likely to, be unlikely to The appeal is unlikely to ~. | be determined to, hope to, want to No company can hope to ~ at everything. | attempt to, try to | manage to

• PREPOSITION against to ~ against serious opposition | at She can teach you how to ~ at tennis. | in We ~ed in repairing the engine. | with hints on how to ~ with interior design

 have a job/position after sb else

• VERB + SUCCEED appoint sb to, elect sb to (esp. BrE) He was appointed to ~ Solti as head of the orchestra. | be tipped to (esp. BrE) | be expected to He was expected to ~ Jack Smith as CEO when he retired.

• PREPOSITION as He was widely tipped to ~ her as leader of the party. | to Elizabeth ~ed to the throne in 1558.

Succeed is used with these nouns as the subject: appeal, attack, attempt, bid, business, campaign, effort, enterprise, mission, movement, plan, scheme, strategy, tactic
Succeed is used with these nouns as the object: father

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