Google Translated from Russian - Google Folder - download epub ebooks
Updated 02/09/2023-
MY POOR, POOR MASTER -versions - Mikhail Bulgakov.epub
Complete collection of editions and versions of the novel
"The Master and Margarita"
Collected works - Nadezhda Mandelstam.epub
Sobraniie sochinienii - Nadiezhda Mandiel'shtam.epub
The encounter with irrational force, irrational inevitability, irrational horror has dramatically changed our psyche. Many of us believed in the inevitability, while others in the expediency of what was happening. Everyone was seized by the consciousness that there is no return. This feeling was due to the experience of the past, the premonition of the future and the hypnosis of the present. I affirm that all of us, the city more than the village, were in a state close to hypnotic sleep. We were really inspired that we have entered a new era and we can only submit to historical necessity, which, by the way, coincides with the dreams of the best people and fighters for human happiness. The preaching of historical determinism has deprived us of will and free judgment. To those who still doubted, we laughed in the eyes and ourselves completed the work of the newspapers, repeating sacramental formulas and rumors of yet another massacre—this is how passive resistance ends! - and picking up excuses for the existing. The main argument was the exposure of the whole history in time and space: everywhere is the same, it has always been like this, nothing else but violence and arbitrariness, mankind has not known and does not know. “Everywhere they shoot,” L., a young physicist, told me. - Do we have more? Well, this is progress ... "Understand, Nadya," L. E. assured me, "it's bad there too" ... Many still do not understand the qualitative difference between "bad" and our "seventh horizon." mankind did not know and does not know. “Everywhere they shoot,” L., a young physicist, told me. - Do we have more? Well, this is progress ... "Understand, Nadya," L. E. assured me, "it's bad there too" ... Many still do not understand the qualitative difference between "bad" and our "seventh horizon." mankind did not know and does not know. “Everywhere they shoot,” L., a young physicist, told me. - Do we have more? Well, this is progress ... "Understand, Nadya," L. E. assured me, "it's bad there too" ... Many still do not understand the qualitative difference between "bad" and our "seventh horizon."
The other day. Our era-1921, 31-40, 46-68 - Leonid Parfenov.epub
Леонид Парфенов.Намедни. Наша эра-1921, 31-40, 46-68.epub
The other day. Our era. Texts 1969-1991 - Leonid Parfenov.epub
Леонид Парфенов. Намедни. Наша эра. Тексты 1969-1991.epub
The other day. Our era. 1992-2010 - Leonid Parfenov.epub
Леонид Парфенов. Намедни. Наша эра. 1992-2010.epub
The Moscow agreements of August-September 1939 will turn out to be one of the most "inconvenient" documents in Russian history. Ribbentrop will be the first to publicly speak about territorial divisions with Stalin at the Nuremberg Trials - this episode will not be printed in the Soviet edition of the multi-volume transcript. The publication of the texts of secret protocols in the West will be called fakes in the USSR and their very existence will be recognized only together with their condemnation half a century after signing. The Soviet interpretation of open documents will be repeated by the official Russian one: the war was postponed for two years, the border was pushed back. The West negotiated with Hitler in Munich, but why shouldn't we? Critics of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact argue that in 1939 Hitler could not attack, the common border only made aggression easier for him, and as a result, in 1941 he hit the conquered half of Europe with military-industrial power. Chamberlain, giving pieces of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis, did not take a share for himself, and the USSR was supposed to enter the anti-Hitler coalition with the start of World War II. These arguments for and against are an indispensable part of the Russian dispute about the rightness and fault of the Soviet empire.
Russian Idea 1-4 - From Nicholas I to Putin - by Alexander Yanov - 2016
Russian nationalism, always for some reason avoided being called by his own name. He preferred euphemisms (“Russian business”, “Russian world”, “Russian idea”, sometimes even called himself “patriotism”)...It goes without saying that the “Russian Idea” here does not mean any of its metaphysical properties that worried, say, N. A. Berdyaev, but only its political meaning, as it was understood - and is understood - by its own ideologists and critics . This is how V. O. Klyuchevsky described the origin of this idea in Muscovy of the 17th century: “She [Muscovy] considered herself the only true believer in the world, her understanding of the deity was exceptionally correct, she imagined the creator of the universe as a Russian god, no longer owned and unknown to anyone.” A religious assessment of this Russian idea, conceived in Muscovy, was proposed by V. S. Solovyov: he called it "pagan mansion." A. I. Herzen described its secular version as "Russia's attempt to cut itself off from Europe."
New! 06/02/2023- Google-translated from the Russian into the English- all 3 volumes of “History of Russia. XX Century” - The History of Russia. XX century - Andrey Zubov-Google translated.epub
The activities of the masters of Russian art, whose work is most fully represented in domestic museums, are covered in more detail. The texts were written by employees of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the State Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin - 2007
1910, 29 Iюля. Начинаю новый дневникъ, настоящій дневникъ для одного себя…
31 Октября. Продиктовано А. Л. Толстой. Богъ есть то неограниченное Все, чего человѣкъ сознаетъ себя ограниченной частью.[386] Истинно существуетъ только Богъ. Человѣкъ есть проявленіе Его въ веществѣ, времени и пространствѣ. Чѣмъ больше проявленіе Бога въ человѣкѣ (жизнь) соединяется въ проявленіяхъ (жизнями) другихъ существъ, тѣмъ больше онъ существуетъ. Соединеиіе этой своей жизни съ жизнями другихъ существъ совершается любовью. Богъ не есть любовь, но чѣмъ больше любви, тѣмъ больше человѣкъ проявляетъ Бога, тѣмъ больше истинно существуетъ.
Астапово, 31 окт. 1 ч. 30 дня.
Богъ, если мы хотимъ этимъ понятіемъ уяснить явленія жизни, то въ такомъ пониманіи Бога и жизни не можетъ быть143 144ничего основательнаго и твердаго. Это одни праздныя, ни къ чему не приводящія разсужденія. Бога мы познаемъ только черезъ сознаніе Его проявленія въ насъ. Всѣ выводы изъ этого сознанія и руководство жизни, основанное на немъ, всегда вполнѣ удовлетворяетъ человѣка и въ познаніи самого Бога и въ руководствѣ своей жизни, основанной на этомъ сознанiи.
1910, July 29. I am starting a new diary, a real diary for myself alone.
October 31. Dictated by A. L. Tolstoy . God is that unlimited All of which man recognizes himself as a limited part. [386] Only God truly exists. Man is His manifestation in matter, time and space. The more the manifestation of God in man (life) is combined in the manifestations (lives) of other beings, the more he exists. The union of this one's life with the lives of other beings is accomplished by love. God is not love, but the more love, the more a person manifests God, the more truly there is. Astapovo , 31 Oct. 1 hour 30 days. God, if we want to understand the phenomena of life with this concept, then in such an understanding of God and life cannot be143 144nothing solid or solid. These are just idle, leading to nothing arguments. We know God only through the consciousness of His manifestation in us. All conclusions from this consciousness and the guidance of life based on it always fully satisfies a person both in the knowledge of God himself and in the guidance of his life based on this consciousness.