вторник, 27 июня 2017 г.

The Lost City of Z - 2016 American biographical adventure drama film

The Lost City of Z is a 2016 American biographical adventure drama film written and directed by James Gray, based on the 2009 book of the same name by David Grann.[4] It describes real events surrounding British explorer Percy Fawcett who was sent to Bolivia and later made several attempts to find an ancient lost city in the Amazon and disappeared in 1925 along with his son on an expedition.[5] It stars Charlie Hunnam as Fawcett[6] along with Robert Pattinson as his fellow explorer Henry Costin and Sienna Miller as his wife Nina Fawcett.[7]

четверг, 22 июня 2017 г.

Eugene Onegin - IN OUR TIME- BBC Radio 4 -June 2017

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Alexander Pushkin's verse novel, the story of Eugene Onegin, widely regarded as his masterpiece. Pushkin (pictured above) began this in 1823 and worked on it over the next ten years, while moving around Russia, developing the central character of a figure all too typical of his age, the so-called superfluous man. Onegin is cynical, disillusioned and detached, his best friend Lensky is a romantic poet and Tatyana, whose love for Onegin is not returned until too late, is described as a poetic ideal of a Russian woman, and they are shown in the context of the Russian landscape and society that has shaped them. Onegin draws all three into tragic situations which, if he had been willing and able to act, he could have prevented, and so becomes the one responsible for the misery of himself and others as well as the death of his friend.

Andrew Kahn
Professor of Russian Literature at the University of Oxford and Fellow of St Edmund Hall
Emily Finer
Lecturer in Russian and Comparative Literature at the University of St Andrews
Simon Dixon
The Sir Bernard Pares Professor of Russian History at University College London

См. также

IN OUR TIME- BBC radio 4 -Selected topics 1998-2015- download mp3 podcasts 

Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin translated into English by James Falen- audiobook read by Stephen Fry- rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast

среда, 21 июня 2017 г.

Putin's Gambit: A Novel Hardcover – June 20, 2017 by Lou Dobbs, James O. Born

Putin's Gambit: A Novel Hardcover – June 20, 2017  by Lou Dobbs, James O. Born 
From TV broadcaster Lou Dobbs and award-winning author James O. Born comes Putin's Gambit, an international financial thriller about a KGB plot to use a series of terrorist attacks as cover for a Russian military incursion into Estonia.
Adjusting to civilian life has not been easy for former Marine Derek Walsh. As he navigates a brutal job on Wall Street and a challenging romance, he wonders if he could be doing more with his life. When an inexplicable $200 million dollar money transfer is made on his computer, he is thrust into the world of international terror, and the global economy is knocked off its hinges.
On the other side of the Atlantic, a dangerous alliance has formed. Radical Islamists and Russian extremists have set the wheels in motion for Russia to assert its power in Europe. The US President has proven to be weak on foreign policy, the military is stretched too thin, and Vladimir Putin judges this to be the time for Russia to regain its Soviet Empire. Troops mass on the Estonian border, waiting for the order to move.
The FBI believes Walsh was involved in the money transfer, and a group of Russians are intent on killing him. As New Yorkers are outraged upon learning of the illegal money transfer, and the world economy crashes after a series of terrorist attacks, Walsh and his Marine buddies are the only ones that can keep the world from spinning off its axis.

Deathless 2011 fantasy novel by Catherynne M. Valente, combining the Russian fairy tale the Death of Koschei the Deathless with the events and aftermath of the Russian Revolution

Deathless 2011 fantasy novel by Catherynne M. Valente

Deathless is a fantasy novel by Catherynne M. Valente, combining the Russian fairy tale the Death of Koschei the Deathless with the events and aftermath of the Russian Revolution.[1] The novel follows the life of Marya Morevna as she transforms from a young child witnessing the revolution to her newfound position as bride after her marriage with Koschei, Tsar of Life. The book is divided into six parts and is told primarily through the third person perspective of Marya Morevna, however, it does feature other characters such as Ivan Tsarevich.

суббота, 17 июня 2017 г.

Luna: New Moon - 2015 science fiction novel by Ian McDonald

Luna: New Moon - 2015 science fiction novel by Ian McDonald

Luna: New Moon is a 2015 science fiction novel by Ian McDonald. It explores the dangerous intrigue that surrounds the powerful Corta dynasty, one of the five families who control industry on the Moon. Optioned for development as a television series before it was released, the novel has been called "Game of Thrones in space". The sequel, Luna: Wolf Moon, was published in March 2017.

Галина Юзефович :«Новую Луну» сравнивают с «Игрой престолов», и отчасти это верно — мир Макдональда столь же многлюден и детален, а еще автор так же не церемонится со своими героями (будьте готовы: самые обаятельные могут не дожить до финала). Однако если топливом, приводящим в движение романную машинерию Джорджа Мартина, служит похоть и жажда власти, то мир «Новой Луны» живет в первую очередь по законам большого бизнеса: в его венах пульсирует лунная валюта битси, а высшей ценностью остается семья. Все вместе это делает эпос Макдональда гибридом «Атланта» Айн Рэнд, «твердой» (то есть основанной на некотором важном научно-техническом допущении) фантастики, киберпанка и классической семейной саги — диковинным и совершенно неотразимым. 

пятница, 16 июня 2017 г.

Collins COBUILD English Grammar [Fourth edition] Publication Date: 23/03/2017

Collins COBUILD English Grammar [Fourth edition]

This new edition of the Collins COBUILD English Grammar is a modern, global and learner-focussed grammar reference, aimed at learners and teachers of English.

Collins COBUILD English Grammar is based on the evidence of the 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, and is an invaluable guide to the English language as it is written and spoken today, in all areas of the world. It has been thoroughly updated, to take into account significant changes in grammar over recent years.

With a user-friendly style and simple explanations, the Collins COBUILD English Grammar provides a comprehensive and authoritative guide to modern English grammar, using grammar terms that learners will understand.

Notes on the various situations in which certain grammar points typically appear, authentic examples, and information on the key differences between British and American grammar, make the Collins COBUILD English Grammar the only fully-updated and truly global English grammar available.

The title also includes two supplements that focus on the main contexts in which English is used around the world: academic and business English. These supplements identify the key areas of grammar that students need to master if they are to communicate effectively in business and academic contexts.

Collins COBUILD English Grammar: a functional grammar

This article has been written by Penny Hands, who is one of the contributors to the Collins COBUILD English Grammar.

Most people who study and use a language are interested in how they can do things with the language – how they can express their feelings and wishes, get attention, influence people, and learn about the world. They are interested in the grammatical structure of the language as a way of getting things done.

What is a functional grammar?
A grammar that puts together the patterns of the language and the things you can do with them is called a functional grammar; that is, it is based on the relation between the structure of a language and the various functions that the language performs.
If you’ve done any reading around different ways of describing the grammar of a language, you will, no doubt, have come across Halliday’s An Introduction to Functional Grammar, now in its fourth edition, but originally published in 1985. (He’s still going strong, by the way, aged 91.)
In many ways, Halliday’s functional grammar seems to be very well suited to language teaching and learning. Functional grammar is all about language use. It’s about communicative grammar that learners can use in the typical situations that they find themselves in as they go about their daily lives. Moreover, it’s an approach in which grammar is not seen as a set of rules, but rather as a communicative resource.
As Halliday himself says, ‘A functional grammar is essentially a “natural” grammar, in the sense that everything in it can be explained, ultimately, by reference to how language is used.’ (Halliday, 1994, p. xiii).
Anyone who has read Halliday’s seminal work will know that his ‘systemic functional grammar’ is a broad and very rich description of the systems and uses of English grammar – to the point that it is considered by some as being rather too broad and too rich for teaching and learning.

Where does COBUILD come in?
This is where Collins COBUILD English Grammar (2017) takes up the reins. It has taken the essence of Halliday’s theories and repackaged them so that teachers and learners can get the most benefit from the functional approach. In Collins COBUILD English Grammar, sections are built around functions of language, such as ‘describing people and things’, ‘expressing time’, and ‘reporting what people say and think’. Each of these functions is regularly expressed in English by a particular structure. For example, to describe people and things, we usually use adjectives. Similarly, reporting what people say or think typically involves a reporting verb such as say, followed by a clause beginning with that or a clause with quotation marks around it.
Collins COBUILD English Grammar follows up each major statement (often called a ‘rule’ in other grammars) with a detailed description of the uses surrounding it. The scope of the original function may then be extended. For example, the basic, central function of reporting verbs (Chapter 7) is to state what someone has said, for example:
  • He said he would be back soon.
This can easily be extended to include what someone has written, as in:
  • His mother wrote that he had finally arrived home.
Then it can be widened to include thoughts and feelings:
  • The boys thought he was dead.
From this, we can see that the reporting clause is simply a way of introducing another clause.
Similarly, instead of opting for a traditional treatment of tenses, Collins COBUILD English Grammar concerns itself with ‘expressing time’. This allows for a far more intuitive description of the various functions of different verb forms than any traditional grammar is able to provide. For example, under ‘Expressing future time’, there are sections entitled ‘indicating certainty’, ‘indicating duration’, and ‘planned events’. Structures with will are demonstrated according to function alongside more lexical realizations of future concepts such as be due to, be about to, and be going to:
Don’t worry; Nancy will arrange it.
By the end of this week, I will have been working here for exactly a year.
Thanks for the offer but Ian is going to take me.
Planned event:
The work is due to start this summer.
Happening soon:
About 385 people are about to lose their jobs.

The grammar of social and cultural contexts
A functional grammar is also concerned with how language is used in a range of social and cultural contexts. Collins COBUILD English Grammar adheres to this approach in a variety of ways. For example, the section on plural forms of you explains that you guys and you lot are more frequent in informal English. Similarly, in the section on using generic they and their to refer back to indefinite pronouns (e.g. Someone’s forgotten their coat), readers learn that:
In more formal English, some people prefer to use hehimhis, or himself to refer back to an indefinite pronoun, but many people dislike this use because it suggests that the person being referred to is male:
Everyone has his dream.
And in the section relating to determiners:
In informal spoken English, people sometimes use this and these in front of nouns, even when they are mentioning someone or something for the first time:
At school we had to wear these awful white hats.
Collins COBUILD English Grammar further embraces the concept that grammar is closely related to the situation in which it occurs by focusing on two main contexts in which English is used as a lingua franca throughout the world – business and academic English. Two supplementary sections identify the principal areas of grammar that learners need to master if they wish to communicate effectively in business and academic contexts.
The section on the grammar of business English looks at typical structures used in such contexts as sharing information, negotiating, and giving presentations. The academic English section covers such areas as explaining results, reviewing research, and reporting findings. Extensive cross-referencing allows the user to refer back to the main text, where structures are discussed in greater detail.

The grammar of discourse
Finally, functional grammar is concerned with how the various items of language in a text work together as part of a larger system. Collins COBUILD English Grammar goes beyond a focus on ‘well-formed sentences’ to help students use language effectively in a range of discourse contexts. Chapter 10, entitled ‘Making a text hold together’, describes how ‘referring back’ and ‘referring forward’ can create cohesion in a text, and how sentences and different parts of a conversation are linked together. What is not said is considered to be just as important as what is said, and so the section on ‘Leaving words out’ (or ‘ellipsis’) explains how speakers omit words rather than repeat them – another way of creating cohesion within a text.

Conventional terminology
Collins COBUILD English Grammar does not, however, throw common sense out with the bathwater. A learner who looks up ‘personal pronouns’ or ‘subordinate clauses’, for example, will find them both in the index and referred to by name in the main text. Students and teachers can still find references to such conventional concepts as tenses, different types of noun (countable, uncountable, compound, abstract, etc.), comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, and the subjunctive.
What is notable about Collins COBUILD English Grammar is (1) the way it organizes the information and (2) its pragmatic approach. It describes how language can be used to write and speak more appropriately and effectively, and provides us with tools for describing how language is used in a wide range of real-life contexts. As a functional grammar, it offers students a way of seeing how meaning and form are related, focusing on language as a resource rather than a set of rules.

Explore this topic in greater detail with our free guided worksheet.

четверг, 1 июня 2017 г.

Glosbe - многоязычный онлайн контекстный словарь

Добро пожаловать в словарь русский - английский. Пожалуйста, напишите слово или фразу, которую Вы хотите проверить, в текстовом поле слева.
Glosbe словари являются уникальными. На Glosbe вы можете увидеть не только перевод на язык русский или английский: мы предоставляем примеры использования, показывая десятки примеров перевода предложений содержащих переведенные фразы. Это называется «память переводов» и очень полезно для переводчиков. Можно увидеть не только перевод слова, но и как оно ведет себя в предложении. Наша память переводов приходят в основном из параллельных корпусов, которые были сделаны людьми. Такой перевод предложений является очень полезным дополнением к словарям.


Пример предложения с "отнюдь", памяти переводов

add example
Окончательным критерием успеха нашей ориентированной на потребности людей стратегии будет отнюдь не уровень консультаций при ее разработке, а то, насколько улучшается жизнь людей и общества в целом и как происходит рост экономики
The ultimate test for a people-oriented policy framework is not necessarily on the level of consultations in its design, but whether the policies are able to improve the lives of people, society and the economy
Для некоторых развивающихся стран, либерализовавших свои сельскохозяйственные сектора, этот опыт оказался отнюдь не позитивным
For several developing countries that have liberalized their agricultural sectors, the experience has not been a positive one
Хотя они и приняты официально, эти показатели, по мнению УСВН, не являются достаточным мерилом эффективности Отдела и касаются лишь некоторых, но отнюдь не всех компонентов программы работы
While formally approved, in the view of OIOS, the indicators do not sufficiently measure the effectiveness of the Division for Palestinian Rights and address only some but not all work programme components
Посол аль‐Хусейн заявил, что в большинстве стран отнюдь не все считают, что принципы правосудия непременно применимы ко всему, что произойдет в постконфликтной ситуации.
Ambassador Al-Hussein said it is not commonplace thinking in most countries to view justice as the sine qua non for all else that is to happen in a post-conflict situation.
Стремление продвинуться сегодня вперед в тех вопросах, по которым можно добиться прогресса и отложить на завтра работу над другими целями, отнюдь не означает поражения.
It is not a defeat to move forward today on those issues on which progress is possible and to pursue other goals tomorrow.
Так что неспособность начать переговоры по любому из четырех основных вопросов отражает лишь отсутствие политической воли некоторых из членов Конференции, которые блокируют консенсус по этим вопросам, а отнюдь не недостатки самого форума.
So failing to commence negotiations on any of the four core issues only reflects the lack of political will of some of the members of the Conference who are blocking consensus on these issues, and not the shortcomings of the venue itself.
Управление служб внутреннего надзора отнюдь не склонно недооценивать ценность и значимость неформальных профессиональных межведомственных связей между коллегами для эффективного сотрудничества, однако опора исключительно на такие связи делает весь процесс межорганизационного диалога и коллективной работы несбалансированным
The Office of Internal Oversight Services is far from underestimating the value and importance of informal professional, collegiate cross-disciplinary ties for effective collaboration, but relying on them alone makes the process of intra-organizational dialogue and teamwork lopsided
Кроме того, МГП регулируется принципами, которые, отнюдь не являясь простыми декларациями намерений, рассматриваются Международным комитетом Красного Креста в качестве костяка этой сферы международного права
IHL is also governed by principles which, far from constituting mere declarations of intent, have been considered to form the basic fabric of this branch of international law by the International Committee of the Red Cross
Отнюдь не факт, что должна существовать взаимосвязь между количеством обоснованных утверждений и эффективностью процедур скрининга.
It was not apparent that there should be a correlation between the number of substantiated claims and the effectiveness of the screening procedures.
Заявитель утверждает, что риск применения пыток в Азербайджане отнюдь не является теоретическим и умозрительным и должен считаться весьма высоким ввиду прошлых преследований, грубых физических посягательств и пыток со стороны азербайджанских властей
he complainant states that the risk of torture in Azerbaijan goes beyond mere theory or suspicion and that it must be considered highly probable, in view of prior harassment, severe physical abuse and torture by the Azeri authorities
Эпидемия СПИДа — это проблема отнюдь не местного характера.
The AIDS epidemic is not a local problem.
Но хотя был реализован кое-какой прогресс в этом отношении, цель полной ликвидации отнюдь не достигнута
Although some progress in that regard had been made, the aim of total elimination was far from having been reached
Однако соображения, касающиеся гармоничного совмещения служебных обязанностей и личной жизни, отнюдь не являются самыми важными причинами, по которым те или иные лица пытаются устроиться на работу в системе Организации Объединенных Наций, что нашло отражение в результатах обследования, проведенного КМГС в 2008 году среди персонала по вопросам набора и удержания кадров (ICSC/67/CRP.9; см. таблицы в пунктах 13, 20 и 21).
However, work/life balance considerations are not among the most important reasons to join the United Nations system, as reflected in the results of the 2008 ICSC staff survey on recruitment and retention (ICSC/67/CRP.9; see tables paragraphs 13, 20 and 21).
Рост цен на международных рынках пойдет на пользу некоторым, в частности в Индии и Китае, но отнюдь не многим другим, в особенности в странах Африки, расположенных к югу от Сахары.
International market price increases will benefit some, particularly in India and China, but not many others, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
Учащиеся использовали образ двенадцатого имама для острой критики иранских консерваторов, по всей видимости стремясь показать, что в действительности они отнюдь не так религиозны, как сами заявляют.
The students had incorporated the Twelfth Imam in an attack on Iranian conservatives, apparently seeking to show that they were not as religious as they claimed.
анализ вопросов коренных народов отнюдь не обязательно присутствует в общем анализе по стране и Рамочной программе по оказанию помощи в целях развития, даже когда коренные народы составляют существенную часть населения страны или имеют стратегически важное значение в национальной повестке дня.
An analysis of indigenous issues is not necessarily present in common country assessments and development assistance frameworks even where indigenous peoples are a significant number in the country or strategically important on the national agenda.
То, что существование держав, имеющих влияние во всем мире и способных формировать новый мировой порядок, отнюдь не является результатом принимаемых большинством голосов государств решений, это исторический факт.
It is a historical fact that the existence of Powers with a global reach and the capacity to create a new world order is not due to any majority decision on the part of States.
Очевидно, что УПР будет иметь большое политическое звучание, но отнюдь не обязательно будет располагать сопоставимым с договорными органами уровнем технических экспертных квалификаций
The UPR would have huge political visibility, but would not necessarily reflect the level of technical expertise of the treaty bodies
Вместе с тем эта амбициозная цель вступает в конфликт со знакомой, но отнюдь не менее разрушительной картиной, характеризуемой на внутреннем уровне крайней нищетой, значительными миграционными потоками, распадом социально-экономических систем и отсутствием инфраструктуры развития
However, that ambition conflicts with a familiar- but no less devastating- record characterized at the internal level by extreme poverty, substantial migratory flows, the breakdown of economic and social systems and the absence of development infrastructures
Деятельность Марокко в области борьбы с терроризмом носит отнюдь не изолированный характер, а выражается во всеобщей и постоянной мобилизации, цель которой — выйти за ограниченные, хотя и необходимые, рамки репрессивных мер и мер по обеспечению безопасности.
Far from being isolated examples, Morocco’s counter-terrorism activities are part of a wide-ranging and ongoing mobilization that will transcend the narrow, albeit necessary, framework of preventive and security measures.
Тем не менее вопрос о последствиях оговорки, ее принятия или возражения против нее отнюдь не урегулирован статьей 21 Венских конвенций 1969 и 1986 годов.
Nevertheless, the effects of a reservation and acceptance of it or objection to it are by no means fully addressed by article 21 of the 1969 and 1986 Vienna Conventions.
Однако на деле сохранение коренных культур отнюдь не является естественным процессом.
But in fact the preservation of indigenous cultures is not a natural process at all.
Возможно, происходит также формирование новой политической системы, в рамках которой Республика, отнюдь не опираясь на всеобщее равенство, возьмет на вооружение общие ценности, заимствованные из вполне определенного религиозного багажа, закладывающего новые основы для исключительности.
New political arrangements may also be taking shape in which the State, far from being based on the equality of all, would imply acceptance of common values derived from a well-defined religious source, which would become the basis for new forms of exclusion.
Применение силы отнюдь не содействуют продвижению вперед по пути к миру и безопасности, а, напротив, вызывает горечь у людей и подрывает доверие, а также отдаляет тот день, когда мог бы воцариться мир
Far from advancing peace and security, the use of force embitters people and corrodes trust, and puts off the day of peace
Завоевания эти отнюдь не малые.
Those are no small achievements.
Показаны страницы 1. Найдено 7242 предложения с фразой отнюдь.Найдено за 16 мс.Накопители переводов создаются человеком, но выравниваются с помощью компьютера, что может вызвать ошибки. Они приходят из многих источников и не проверяются. Будьте осторожны.

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