среда, 3 июля 2019 г.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th edition with 88000 pronounced examples online and for Goldendict

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 She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, and she almost succeeded.см. также


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Например, статья SUCCEED из Longman 5th

suc‧ceed S3 W2 /səkˈsiːd/ BrE  AmE  verb
[Word Family: noun: ↑success, ↑succession, ↑successor; adjective: ↑successful ≠ ↑unsuccessful, ↑successive; verb: ↑succeed; adverb: ↑successfully ≠ ↑unsuccessfully]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin; Origin: succedere 'to go up, follow after, succeed', from sub- 'near' + cedere 'to go']
1. [intransitive] to do what you tried or wanted to do:
 She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, and she almost succeeded.
succeed in doing something
 Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer.
 Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.
► Do not say ‘succeed to do something’. Say succeed in doing something.
In everyday English, people often say they manage to do something rather than succeed in doing something:
▪ Eventually I managed to get the lid back on the box.
2. [intransitive] to have the result or effect something was intended to have:
 The drug therapy has not succeeded.
In everyday English, people often say that a method or treatment works rather than succeeds:
▪ We tried rebooting the computer, but that didn’t work.
3. [intransitive] to do well in your job, especially because you have worked hard at it for a long time
succeed as
 I’m not sure he has the determination to succeed as an actor.
succeed in
 a woman who succeeded in politics
4. [intransitive and transitive] to be the next person to take a position or job after someone else
succeed somebody as something
 Reeves will succeed Segal as Speaker of the House.
succeed somebody to the throne (=to be the next king or queen after someone else)
 Who will succeed him to the throne?
5. [transitive] to come after or replace something else, especially another product:
 This car is intended to succeed the popular Fiesta.
6. nothing succeeds like success used to say that success often leads to even greater success
7. only succeed in doing something used when someone does the opposite of what they intended to do:
 It seems I’ve only succeeded in upsetting you.
• • •
■ succeed in doing something
▪ succeed verb [intransitive] to do something you tried or wanted to do: Will they succeed in winning the election? | He wanted to make her jealous, and he succeeded.
▪ manage verb [intransitive] to succeed in doing something difficult, after trying hard. Manage to do something is very commonly used instead of succeed in doing something in everyday English: He finally managed to find an apartment near his office. | Don’t worry – I’m sure we’ll manage somehow.
▪ achieve verb [transitive] to succeed in doing something good or important: She’s achieved a lot in the short time she’s been with the company. | If we are to achieve our goals, we have to plan properly.
▪ accomplish verb [transitive] formal to achieve something: The government accomplished its objective of reducing violent crime. | What do you hope to accomplish this year?
▪ make it to be successful in your career, or to succeed in reaching a place or part of a competition: Only a few people make it to the top and become professional singers. | We finally made it to Chicago. | Which two teams will make it to the final?
▪ pull off phrasal verb to succeed in doing something, especially when you could easily have not succeeded. Pull off sounds rather informal: Italy pulled off a great victory over Germany. | 

a business succeeds
▪ Making a business succeed is not simple.
an appeal fails/succeeds
▪ If the appeal fails, he will serve his full sentence.
an attempt fails/succeeds
▪ All attempts to find a cure have failed.
fail/succeed in your attempt
▪ He failed in his attempt to set a new Olympic record.
successive/succeeding generations (=generations that follow one another)
▪ This medical textbook has been used by successive generations of medical students and doctors.
▪ Of course, no municipal system succeeds in totally eliminating the use of force.
▪ Lieutenants Peel and Maloney succeeded in so alarming the men that they decided to march to join Paredes and the revolutionists.
▪ Not only had he won a match he was desperate to succeed in, he had also earned his Liverpool colours.
▪ Republicans, battered as they are in the public opinion polls, succeeded in dramatically transforming the terms of the national debate.
▪ Despite their new-found power, however, they did not succeed in totally obliterating what had been before.
▪ What would happen if my parents succeeded in getting my student grant revoked, which well they might?
▪ You will be able to tackle and succeed in almost anything provided you set about the problem in the right way.
▪ By 1996 the strategy had succeeded in significantly expanding the scope of school-to-work in Tulsa.
▪ The loop will never succeed in removing the conditionality.
▪ I was convinced that without a college degree I could never succeed.
▪ We shall never succeed in reaching an agreement on how far back we must go.
▪ He had never succeeded, and now he was old enough to understand why.
▪ Throughout his time in Darlington he maintained that the football club would never succeed while it played at Feethams.
▪ As ward of the king I and my lands would be free of Master Higham; otherwise I might never succeed.
▪ They've never succeeded: sickness, hunger, wanderlust, something drives them on.
▪ Criteria belong to an explanation of identity claims, but an explanation succeeds only in the context of what can be understood.
▪ But too many nasty ads succeed only in making all candidates unpopular.
▪ We shall only succeed in dealing with the problems through a vast international cooperative effort.
▪ That succeeded only partially in the setting, but the costumes were attractive.
▪ Triumphant Rome tried to exterminate the Church of Mary, but only succeeded in driving it underground.
▪ They can only succeed by imposing long-run discipline upon capitalists.
▪ She tried to get out of it, but only succeeded in making herself the last to sing.
▪ But they will not succeed where the law has failed.
▪ Mairs succeeds where many others have failed by being not only an engaging writer, but an engaging thinker.
▪ Its long-suffering shareholders are to get the opportunity to succeed where the government failed in 1982, and break the company up.
▪ He had succeeded where I had quit, and I almost burst with pride.
▪ Mr Rifkind will deserve warm praise if he can succeed where several incumbents have failed.
▪ Why did the Board of Delegates succeed where past organizing efforts had failed?
▪ In two other important areas, Johnson succeeded where Kennedy had failed.
▪ Instead, they are buoyed by positive illusions that they can break new ground or succeed where others have failed.
▪ I didn't have a chance to succeed without even trying failure.
▪ Students in these schools also were more optimistic about their chances of succeeding after high school.
▪ This experience gave him at least a chance of succeeding in the Caucasus.
▪ But Platt, at 25, has every chance of eventually succeeding Pearce who is five years older.
▪ He is expected to be inaugurated next week, becoming the first president to succeed his father in an Arab republic.
▪ Sometimes the Senate would decree that the son of a deceased emperor was unfit to succeed his father.
▪ He succeeds his father, Wallace D.. Iott, 80, who continues as chairman of the company.
▪ In 1240 Edward succeeded his father as keeper of the king's works at Westminster, which then chiefly concerned the palace.
▪ Peyton was admitted to Lincoln's Inn in 1655, having also succeeded his father as an examiner in Chancery in 1654.
▪ He succeeded his father, Hesychius, as bishop of Vienne, in or about 490.
▪ Initially nothing succeeds like success: but eventually success exceeds itself, and decline and despondency set in.
▪ But we also succeeded, and our successes fueled us.
▪ Nothing succeeded so much as success for the organization.
▪ Nothing succeeds like success and it applies perfectly to the Sainsbury family, their 100,000 employees and 60,000 shareholders.
▪ This, then, was the situation when Mary succeeded to the throne, and the rival factions lined up.
▪ Wenceslaus' son succeeded to the throne.
▪ When he succeeded to the throne in 1625, Buckingham became his chief minister.
▪ Despite all its problems the Club had a strong will to succeed and was rarely despondent.
▪ She had enough guts coupled with an ego that nurtures the will to succeed.
▪ Nor will managers succeed by putting greater emphasis on planning or simply overlapping various stages in the development process.
▪ First, will Airbus succeed even without government support?
▪ He thinks everybody has the same blind will to succeed as himself.
▪ The Edinburgh Summit will tell us whether it has a real will to succeed.
▪ Call his machines what you will-sculptures, utopian models, proposals, follies-they reflect a will to succeed.
▪ Immigrants tend to be a highly motivated, self-selected group with a strong will to succeed.
▪ If the old man had been home. the ruse could hardly hope to succeed.
▪ A Humphrey-type campaign to bypass the primaries and seek the nomination at the convention itself could no longer hope to succeed.
▪ We must all hope the negotiations succeed and that perhaps we may even see Bobby Fischer on the regular tournament circuit.
▪ Cruttwell remains to be rewritten; but whoever embarks upon that task can not hope to succeed without Strachan at his elbow.
▪ I hope that we shall succeed in doing that, especially with regard to special inspections of previously undeclared sites.
▪ And you'd better hope we succeed.
▪ I am particularly proud of this scheme and I sincerely hope it will succeed.
▪ There is still hope that talks can succeed.
▪ A lot of people doubted that I could succeed in business for myself.
▪ a strong desire to succeed
▪ As long as the financial crisis continues, economic reform cannot possibly succeed.
▪ Bailey will succeed Fuller as Director of Operations.
▪ Both sides could make these talks succeed by seeking a real and lasting peace.
▪ By the early '90s, CDs had succeeded records in popularity.
▪ Eisenhower was succeeded by John F. Kennedy.
▪ Even in remote areas people open restaurants, and surprisingly enough, they succeed.
▪ George VI died in 1952, leaving his elder daughter Elizabeth to succeed him.
▪ I'm sure you'll succeed if you work hard.
▪ I admired Goldie, because she had succeeded at a task that had even defeated my mother.
▪ I tried to reassure Billy's mother that it was a passing phase, but I don't think I succeeded.
▪ If you don't change your attitude, you will never succeed as a manager in this firm.
▪ In one year, we've succeeded in increasing profits by 40%.
▪ Louis XIII succeeded to the throne when he was only nine years old.
▪ Muir succeeds where other designers have failed -- her clothes are original, yet stylish.
▪ My parents always told me I'd succeed at anything I chose to do.
▪ None of the measures taken by the government have succeeded in reducing the spread of violent crime.
▪ People who have had setbacks are often the ones who are really driven to succeed.
▪ She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest and she almost succeeded.
▪ Choose varieties which will succeed in your area, and which are on a rootstock to give the desired rate of growth.
▪ If it succeeds, it may deter at least some outrages in a future war.
▪ If the project succeeds, the choice is between making and marketing the product or abandoning it.
▪ If you can succeed in school, you can succeed in life.
▪ Mr Grant, who lives near Dingwall, will succeed Robert Crawford.
▪ She succeeds Bonnie Fuller who will join Cosmopolitan as deputy editor.
▪ Some of these women took grave risks to start their businesses and faced even more danger when they succeeded.

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