вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

Microsoft Encyclopedia Encarta Premium 2009- энциклопедия с текстами американских преподавателей вузов

Microsoft Multimedia Encyclopedia Encarta Premium 2009- 
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энциклопедия с текстами американских преподавателей вузов 
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Плюс Encarta Kids- мультимедиа энциклопедия для американских младших школьников. Обе энциклопедии очень полезны для начинающих и продолжающих изучать английский благодаря доступному уровню изложения и красочным мультимедиа единственной в своем роде энциклопедии ( единственный конкурент- Britannica, но там тексты гораздо сложнее, объем их больше раза в 2-3, но мультимедиа гораздо меньше, хотя там есть даже две дополнительных энциклопедии - для старшеклассников и для младших школьников ) 

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CICERO из Encarta Premium 2009 и
ROMAN EMPIRE из Encarta Kids
Roman politician Cataline, seated lower right, listens to the accusations of Cicero, standing left. Shortly after Cataline lost an election to Cicero in 63 bc, Cicero publicly exposed Cataline’s plot to seize power in an armed rebellion.
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Cicero (106-43 bc), Roman writer, statesman, and orator. Although he had a distinguished political career, he is best known as Rome's greatest orator and as a man of letters. Born in Arpinum (now Arpino, Italy), Marcus Tullius Cicero is also known in English as Tully. As a youth he studied law, oratory, literature, and philosophy in Rome. After brief military service and three years' experience as a lawyer defending private citizens, he traveled to Greece and Asia, where he continued his studies. He returned to Rome in 77 bc and began his political career, aligning himself with statesman and general Pompey the Great. In 74 bc he entered the Senate.
Although Cicero's family did not belong to the Roman aristocracy, he was supported in the competition for the consulship in 64 bc by most rich and powerful Romans because of their distrust of his aristocratic but less respectable rival, Lucius Sergius Catilina, known as Catiline. Cicero was elected, but during his administration Catiline organized a plot to overthrow the government. Cicero suppressed the conspiracy and had several members of Catiline's group executed. Julius Caesar and other Roman senators argued that Cicero had acted too hastily, without giving the conspirators due process of law. Because Cicero refused to make peace with Caesar, Pompey's archrival, in 58 bc he was forced into exile. After a year in Macedonia he was recalled at the instigation of Pompey.
Cicero occupied himself with reading and writing philosophy until 51 bc, when he accepted an assignment to govern the Roman province of Cilicia as proconsul. He returned to Rome in 50 bc and joined Pompey, who had by now become Caesar's bitter enemy. After Pompey was defeated by Caesar in 48 bc, Cicero, realizing that further resistance was hopeless, accepted Caesar's overtures of political friendship. While Caesar was virtual dictator of Rome, Cicero lived as a private citizen and wrote extensively. After Caesar's assassination in 44 bc, Cicero returned to politics. Hoping to see a restoration of the Republic, he supported Caesar's adopted son, Octavian, later the emperor Augustus, in a power struggle with the Roman consul Mark Antony. Octavian and Antony were reconciled, however, and Cicero was proscribed and murdered on December 7, 43 bc.
In his writings Cicero created a rich prose style that has exercised a pervasive influence on all the literary languages of Europe. His writing covers numerous subjects of intellectual interest, and he greatly enriched the vocabulary of his own language as well as those of the modern European tongues. Nearly all of his philosophical works were borrowed from Greek sources and, apart from their intrinsic merit, are of great value in preserving much of Greek philosophy that might otherwise have remained unknown. Outstanding are the treatises On the Republic, On the Laws, On Duty, and On the Nature of the Gods. His rhetorical works, written in dialogue form—particularly On the Orator—are of value as the products of an accomplished rhetorician and as a rich source of historical material. The most famous of his orations are the 4 speeches against Catiline and the 14 so-called Philippics against Antony.
Among the minor works of Cicero, the treatises On Old Age and On Friendship have always been admired for their tone of cultivated geniality. Highly important for historians are four collections of letters written by Cicero to acquaintances and friends. These letters are a spontaneous self-revelation of their author and an excellent source of information on the politics of the final years of the Roman Republic. See also Thematic Essay: Roman Political and Social Thought.
Web Links
The Cicero Homepage
This privately maintained page has a biography of Cicero, a bibliography, and HTML versions of selected writings in Latin and English.
Primary Sources
Great Works of Literature
From Cicero's De Republica
As the Roman Republic collapsed in the 1st century bc, orator and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero argued for its preservation. Political rivalries led to his exile, during which Cicero wrote a series of dialogues that greatly influenced subsequent political thought. In his 55 bc dialogue De Republica (On the Republic), Cicero presents two characters, Scipio Africanus and Laelius, who discuss how elements of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy should be balanced to form an ideal government. This excerpt reflects Cicero’s belief that the Republic and its constitution should have been preserved to serve the interests of Rome.
Cicero: From On Government
Marcus Tullius Cicero was a young Roman lawyer and politician when he undertook his successful impeachment of Gaius Verres, former governor of Sicily, in 70 bc. Quintus Hortensius, the most famous orator of the day, represented the defendant, but Cicero presented such an effective case that Verres hastened into voluntary exile. This speech demonstrates Cicero’s mastery of the art of rhetoric.
Historic Documents
From Plutarch's Lives: Cicero
Plutarch was a Greek biographer and essayist who lived in the 1st century ad. His short biographies of notable Greek and Roman figures are renowned not only for their portraits of ancient life, but also for their study of character and morality. Many of Plutarch’s biographies were constructed in pairs, including his biographies of the two famous orators, Cicero, a Roman, and Demosthenes, a Greek. Both orators had a great influence on their countries by presenting their ideas through public speaking. They also shared the distinction of being opposed to high-ranking political figures—Marc Antony and Augustus Caesar in the case of Cicero—which ultimately led to their deaths.
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What was the biggest, richest, and most powerful nation of ancient times? The mighty Roman Empire! Based in the city of Rome, it stretched across three continents and included millions of people. The Roman Empire lasted for 500 years.

According to legend, the city of Rome was founded in central Italy in 753 bc. As Rome grew richer and stronger, its soldiers took over nearby land. Rome’s well-trained, disciplined army was a fearsome fighting machine.

By 30 bc, Rome controlled most of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. To guard these conquests, the Romans built walls and military forts. They also built excellent roads so that soldiers could march quickly to trouble spots.

The Roman Empire began in 27 bc. That year, a tough, clever army commander won control of Rome after a long civil war. His name was Octavian, but the Romans called him Augustus. The title Augustus meant “honored or holy leader.” Augustus became the first Roman emperor. The month of August is named after him.

Augustus saw that Rome needed new government. He appointed professionals to manage the government’s money and make sure that enough food and fresh water reached the city of Rome. He reorganized the army and set up new police and firefighting teams. He encouraged family life by paying parents to have more children. He brought back old ceremonies to honor the gods who were said to guide and guard Rome.

By the time Augustus died in ad 14, he had linked Roman lands into a single awesome organization. This was the Roman Empire.

Emperors remained in charge of the Roman Empire for almost 500 years. Some, like Nero, were tyrants. Some, like Commodus, were stupid and cruel. But most ruled well, and a few, like Trajan, were outstanding. When Roman emperors died, they were worshiped as gods.

Each province (region) of the empire was ruled by a governor. The governor was helped by trained officials and sometimes by local kings and chiefs. Everyone in the empire had to pay Roman taxes and obey Roman laws. They had to use Roman money, as well. Roman coins showed the emperor’s portrait. That way, everyone knew who was in charge!

Rome ruled over almost 50 million people in 27 bc. They included Greeks, Egyptians, Celts, Africans, Arabs, and Jews. Traditionally, Roman society was divided into two upper classes and two lower classes. Senators belonged to the highest class, and slaves to the lowest class. Over time, class became less important than wealth. After ad 212, each free person in the empire was treated equally, as a Roman citizen.

Everywhere they ruled, the Romans introduced their own language, Latin. They also brought their technology, art, entertainment, and building styles. Many Roman temples, theaters, roads, and aqueducts (bridges that carried water) still survive in many parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

The city of Rome was the center of the empire. It had temples for worship, law courts, houses and apartment buildings, sports arenas, and shops. It also had crowded streets, smells, dirt, and noise. About 1 million people lived in Rome in 27 bc, making it the largest city in the world.

People moved all the time from the countryside to Rome, but many could not find work. Emperors provided food and spectacles like gladiator shows to keep them content and stop them from rioting. One Roman writer said that emperors ruled by “bread and circuses.”

In the early years, the Roman Empire kept on growing. But later Roman emperors found the lands of the empire too vast and too varied to control. In ad 284, the Roman Empire was divided among four rulers. Emperor Constantine united it again in ad 324. Constantine became a Christian, and gave Christianity a favored position in the empire.

Soon after Constantine’s rule, the empire was attacked by fierce tribes from the north and east. Their raids caused terror and food shortages. In ad 395, the empire split into an Eastern Empire and a Western Empire. The wealthy Eastern Empire was ruled from Constantinople (now Istanbul). It remained strong. But poor and weak Western emperors could not defend their land. The last Western emperor was forced out of Rome by invaders in ad 476. The Eastern Empire survived as the Byzantine Empire.

The fall of the Roman Empire in 476 did not mean the end of Roman civilization. The Latin language lived on, and it developed into modern European languages such as French, Spanish, and Italian. Roman art, buildings, and writings influenced later cultures.
Also in Encarta Kids
All articles about world cultures
All articles about world history
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Cleopatra, defeated by the armies of ancient Rome
Julius Caesar
Roman law
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